Wednesday, October 26, 2011


Japanese, English Subtitles
133 minutes, 1962
Won: Cannes Special Jury Prize
5 Stars

Filmed in black and white, which adds to it's intensity and drama, Harakiri is a study in human emotion and is one of the classic samurai, or rather, antisamurai movies. An older ronin goes to a feudal lord's home and requests permission to commit harakiri in the courtyard. Before he does, he tells his story. Rainy Day wasn't sure she would like it but found it fascinating. Harakiri shows the 'true' code of honor of the samurai v. the appearance of honor maintained by the elites. If you want lots of sword fights and action, this is not the movie for you. If you want a superb script, great acting, and the possibility of actually thinking, then this is the movie for you.

Rainy Day says this is not a 'feel good' movie, but is definitely worth the investment of time to watch. Also, there is an interesting introduction, which explains the movie. For a trailer, please click on the title, above.

Monday, October 24, 2011

Mifune Toshiro in Another Great Movie

2 hours 1 minute
Japanese, English subtitles
5 stars

As you know, Rainy Day has a deep and abiding lust for Toshiro Mifune. She was not disappointed in this film. This is the story of an aging samurai vassal and how he defies, with quiet calm, his lord, in order to save his honor, his son and his wife, and his family. Basically, the lord forces the son into marrying a concubine who displeased him, after she produced a son, and then, when that child becomes the heir apparent, the lord demands his concubine back. Unfortunately she and her new husband love each other. Mifune's character had been henpecked for twenty years, and he quietly defies his wife and her family, his lord and his minions, and fights for what he believes is right. A study on Japan and the feudal system, and doing what is right.

Rainy Day would like to know if you've seen this movie, and what you thought about it.

For a trailer, click on the title, above

labels: Drama, Japanese movie, Mifune Toshiro,

Saturday, October 22, 2011

Thank Goodness Eye Candy has No Calories!!

Last discs (series)
Mandarin or Cantonese, English subtitles
5 stars

Rainy Day finally made it through all 8 discs and the one thing she knows for certain: It's a darned good thing Eye Candy contains no calories!!!  Many good fights, good love stories, some bad love stories, lots of lush costumes. True, there are times when it's difficult to suspend one's disbelief, and the time lines appeared 'off' now and then. However, the marvelous subtitles made up for it! Admittedly, Rainy Day wasn't sure she wanted to watch the last two episodes this morning – because once she'd seen them, the story would end, and it was great fun. Rainy Day's biggest gripe? None of the credits or writing were translated. However, she is now downloading the novel, Flying Fox of Snowy Mountain by Jin Yong from  Cut the Clap! and rent it!

When you have watched the series, please, comment. Rainy Day wants to know your reaction and thoughts about it. For a You Tube Trailer, please click on the title above.

Friday, October 14, 2011

More on the Handsome Flying Fox(es)

Discs 2, 3 of 8 discs (series)
Mandarin, English subtitles
5 stars

Rainy Day is now very frustrated that the discs don't come quite as fast as she finishes them. After viewing 3 discs (15 episodes) she is totally hooked. The costuming is sumptuous (when they got off Snowy Mountain, they took their coats off). The theme music during opening credits is a bit off-putting, but doesn't intrude in the movie. Rainy Day would like to take a couple of the characters (a mother and her daughter) and teach them some manners. They are both spoiled, and the child whines too much. Rainy hoped a visit to the Valley of the Poison King would cure it. Rainy Day is of the notion that children should be seen and not heard. The subtitles are downright hilarious at times. Eat your heart out, Jay Leno.

There is some fantastic kung fu in this series and great photography. Rainy Day is pretty sure the director was a student of Kurosawa. Have you seen any of the series yet? Are you going to? Your loss, if you don't.

For the You Tube trailer, click on the title, above

Monday, October 10, 2011

Flying Fox of Snow Mountain (Fox Volant of...)

Disc 1 of 8 discs (series)
Mandarin, English subtitles
5 stars

After the previous series try, with so much "Gu Gu" and "Gor," Rainy Day admittedly hesitated to start another series. However, Fox Volant of the Snowy Mountain found her on the edge of the sofa more often than not. The costuming isn't all that rich (it's called Snowy Mountain for a reason) but is interesting, the photography great, and the sword fights are plentiful and wonderful (and all do not end in death or dismemberment!) This TV series was adapted from the popular novel of Louis Cha. The subtitles are a little odd, but passable. Actually, they add to the humor with quotes like, "a teeth for a teeth." Each disc has 5 episodes, and Rainy Day eagerly awaits Discs 2 & 3. If you like Asian movies/TV, this is a feast.

Rainy Day finally had to look up the word, 'volant' just to be sure she had it right. It means: 1. having the wings extended as if in flight – used as a heraldic bird, 2. flying or capable of flying, 3. quick, nimble. Which should give you, gentle readers, a fair guess as to the kinds of kung fu you will see in the movie!

Sunday, October 9, 2011

Something for the young and young at heart

103 minutes
Several 'Worst' Awards
4 Stars

Rainy Day is not at all familiar with the Airbender series, in fact, she didn't know about the series until she watched the movie. Not knowing the story ahead of time did not diminish her enjoyment. This movie was pure fantasy and escape. It tells the story of Aang, the young reluctant Avatar who is the only one to bend air, earth, fire and water to his will. He runs away, to return a hundred years later, still a youth, to fulfill his destiny and save the Earth from the Firebenders. Rainy Day liked this movie almost as much as she remembers liking The Never Ending Story. If you want sparkling dialog, and Academy Award acting, don't bother. If you just want to escape to another time and place and have fun doing so, watch The Last Airbender.

Have you seen The Last Airbender? Did you find it difficult to follow the story? Did you enjoy it? Does Rainy Day just have weird tastes when it comes to movies? What movie have you seen lately? Would you write a review for this site? (Rainy Day admits, she also truly enjoyed The Last Action Hero. Perhaps she was the only one who did so.)

Saturday, October 8, 2011

Exciting Eye Candy!

114 minutes, 2011
5 stars (PG 13)

Basically, all Rainy Day expected from Thor was a healthy share of eye candy. She was not disappointed. The surprise for Rainy Day came in the story. It was not just a rework of the old myths, but a modern day super-hero story of Thor and why he was banished from Asgard by his father Odin Allfather, and the deceit of his brother, Loki. Great battle scenes with Thor and his hammer, a bit of a love interest with a mortal, and a delightful interpretation of Asgard. All in all, it was exciting, lots of humor, good fight scenes, and an entertaining movie. Rainy Day thinks movies should be entertaining escape from the everyday life she lives. She was not disappointed with Thor. Eye candy. Remember. Chris Hemsworth as Thor is definitely eye candy. Can he act? Who cares?

Have you seen Thor? What did you think of it?

Tuesday, October 4, 2011

Cheers and Tears, A Guest Review

2003, 120 minutes
1st of 3 discs

A hilarious series of television films that originally aired on Britain's ITV in 2003, Cheers & Tears follows a group of polar-opposite friends who gather for unlucky road trips, peculiar pranks and other shenanigans, with petty arguments a constant.  Plenty of British humor and interesting characters.  This is the first DVD in a set of three and covers a day trip to France to stock up on wine.  Various misfortunes befall the five men and their wives who stayed home.  There is a very funny scene when a couple of the wives decide to do a little wine tasting of their own.  The other movies in the set are the Treasure Hunt and the Scattering. And yes, I have taken that very same day trip for the same reason.

This review is by Carole, a Brit friend of Rainy Day. She love the movie, so I'm assuming it gets high ratings from her. Have you seen this movie? What did you think of it?

Have you seen a good movie lately? Please consider writing a review. Contact Rainy Day through this blog, or her email (upper right side of page)