21 Captain Abu Raed
Arabic, English subtitles
1002 Minutes, 2009
5 Stars
Too bad The Hedgehog couldn't have been done like this! Abu
Raed is a widower with no children other than his books. He works as a janitor
at the Amman airport who finds a Captain's hat in the trash. He brushes it off,
and wears it. One of the neighborhood boys sees it, and insists Abu Raed is a
pilot, even though he says otherwise. The next morning, several children are at
his door to hear his adventures; and so begins a delightful story. Of course,
there is some sadness to be expected, but the beauty of the story far outweighs
it. This is a movie the whole family can enjoy. And I understand the children
were locals. My only complaint is the DVD is so far out of my price range I can't
afford it.