Samurai Banners
Japanese, English subtitles
1969, 166 minutes
4 Stars
The Netflix blurb describing this movie is totally messed. And, in a way, she found the title also misleading. Rainy Day expected lots of classic sword fights, and instead had chaotic wars, with the Samurai Banners being on the fighters. According to one reviewer on Netflix, it is a prequel to the Kurosawa movie, Kagemusha, which Rainy Day saw and enjoyed. Mifune Toshiro is the lead in this movie and, as usual, his performance is excellent. If you like epic stories, fictionalized history, and the strategies leading up to and fighting of wars, this is definitely a movie you will enjoy. Just don't expect the romance and fatal sword fight between the two men who love the same woman.
For a clip of Samurai Banners, click here. This clip shows the entertainment leading up to the assassination of Lord Suwa. Gives you a chance to practice your French;-)