Monday, May 14, 2012

I, Robot

I, Robot
2004, 114 minutes
5 Stars

Rainy Day's introduction to the science fiction genre was through Isaac Asimov's books, and she loved the Robot books/stories and how Asimov would work around his three Laws of Robotics. When this movie came out, Rainy Day avoided it. How could she enjoy it, when she knew it would not do proper homage to the original? Well, last night, it was on TV--again. Rainy Day realized she couldn't remember much, if anything, about the original story, so watched the movie, and thoroughly enjoyed it! Rainy Day discovered years ago that if she knows a movie will be made from a book she wants to read, she waits until the movie is out, and she's seen it, before she reads the book, otherwise the movie is just too awful to contemplate. Rainy Day is very glad she waited to watch the movie.

click here for trailer

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