Wednesday, July 25, 2012

Lone Wolf and Cub #4

Lone Wolf and Cub: Baby Cart in Peril
Japanese, English Subtitles
1972, 81 minutes
5 Stars

#4 in the LWC series. Lots of good sword fights, elimination of heads and limbs, spurting blood, a kid who says one word, over and over, 'Dad.' Ogami Itto is still on the road seeking revenge of his wife's death and his framed disgrace as the Shogun's Assassin. If you are a fan of the Kill Bill movies by Tarantino—he got the idea from Lone Wolf and the Zatoichi films. Ogami travels the back roads of Japan, pushing a baby cart decked out with enough armaments to make a modern day GI jealous! Rainy Day isn't too fond of child actors, but this one is great. Great action, some nudity, lots of fun, and if you have a warped sense of humor, there are some chuckles, too. (Rainy Day has a warped sense of humor;-)

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