Thursday, June 30, 2016

Ansel Adams: American Experience

1 hr 40 min
5 Stars

A marvelous documentary about one of our greatest photographers and nature conservationists, and how he became so. Narrated by David Ogden Stiers, we meet Adams as a young boy, and follow his life as he follows his dream. His father is to be commended for the courage it must have taken to not just allow young Adams to live his own life, but to encourage it. Adams' photography spoke for his nature conservancy, rather than longwinded speeches. If you are looking for his technique, how he framed, how he used filters, etc., don't waste your time. This documentary doesn't give us that. Nor did it show how many shots he took of the same scene, bracketing each one. It somewhat gives the impression he saw, he shot, he developed a price winning photo.

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