Saturday, October 11, 2014

The (non Pixar) Blue Umbrella

Hindi (subtitles) 

90 minutes
4 Stars

I obviously didn't read the description all that closely – I thought it was the Pixar film. It was Indian, but, since I had it, what the heck? The story seemed a little disjointed, but that could have been all the interruptions while it was playing (4). Child actors are not always my favorites, but these children were delightful, and the star stole the show. She finds a blue umbrella, which she carries everywhere, mesmerizing all in her mountain village. When it is stolen, she becomes depressed, and eventually the thief is caught, and the village metes out justice. The ending was what I hoped it would be, so no complaints there, the visuals and costuming were wonderful. The movie has joy, sorrow, greed, justice, and redemption – for what more could one want in a movie? This movie is suitable for family viewing.


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