Sunday, September 20, 2015

Battle of the Warriors

133 minutes
Mandarin, excellent English subtitles
5 Stars

Rainy Day has a confession to make: Just about anything with Andy Lau will get a five star rating, and just about any movie that takes place during the Warring States Period that she can find will be watched. This movie has both. Some great battle scenes, aerial battles (yes!), thousands of horses and extras, and some excellent swordfights. The Zhau army, on their way to invade another state, decide to conquer the city state of Liang, which stands in the way. Enter Ge Li, our hero, who comes a Mohist and turns the tide battle, only to be betrayed by the king whose kingdom he just saved.  Directed by JCL Cheung, who also directed Hero. Lots of fun.

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